

Deploy Four Communication Styles to Help Craft Emails That Will Succeed in Any Culture

April 6th, 2021 by

When pitching, we must reframe our approach to effective emailing—which ultimately is defined not by how we communicate, but by how we connect with our words. Only after adopting this approach can we begin to master the art of communication and build genuine rapport in digital exchanges across cultures.

media relations technology

Tips to Help You Avoid Killing an Important Tech Story

March 1st, 2021 by

The tech sector is leading the business world during the pandemic as numerous industries pivot to survive. Meanwhile, PR is leading tech’s conversations. Here are a few tips for ensuring you tell tech stories that resonate with their intended audiences.

Is It OK for Communicators to Begin a Cover Letter with ‘My Name Is’?

November 16th, 2020 by

Beginning sometimes is the most difficult part of writing, be it a press release, statement, memo, news article, white paper or book. A pair of college teachers of business writing, Jonathan Rick and Chloe Baerwald, offer ideas for PR pros about how to start the dreaded cover letter.

Writing a professional bio

Professional Bios: What to Include and What to Forget

October 19th, 2020 by

When it comes to writing about and promoting others, PR pros excel. Writing about themselves, however, is more of a problem. One would think writing about yourself should be easy. No one knows you better than you know yourself. And yet, writing your professional bio can be daunting. We asked PR pros about their best practices.

Australian Premier Releases Impressive Coronavirus Statement

July 30th, 2020 by

Premier Daniel Andrews released the type of statement that could serve as a sympathetic guide for other government officials who need to deliver difficult news. Andrews’ tone is succinct and forward, but also personable and easy to read—clear of most medical jargon.

The Top Communications Clichés and How to Avoid Them

July 29th, 2020 by

While it may seem easier in the moment to insert “said-phrase-here,” using clichés and turnkey phrases sometimes causes readers to gloss over information and in the worst case—stop reading. We asked PR writing coaches for suggestions to counter bad writing (including our own).

editing, red pen, laptop

Editing Walkthrough: Rewriting Pitches With the Reporter in Mind

July 14th, 2020 by

While no one is perfect, journalists’ inboxes are a competitive space. Grammatical errors and extraneous language are bound to sink your pitch or press release before the reporter has made it through the first sentence. And that journalist is unlikely to open your next email if the first pitch misses the mark. Here is a walkthrough of edits we would make to some recent pitches before hitting the send button.

Storytelling Gold and Your Company’s Pandemic History

July 8th, 2020 by

We’re living in difficult times. Yet, the events of 2020, for good or ill, are shaping up to be storytelling gold. It’s a time for brand storytellers to gather and capture real-time history and to think more broadly about how these stories can be used.

Gilead Sciences Outlines Pricing Process for Treatment in Statement

June 29th, 2020 by

While the announcement of an effective drug treatment available worldwide for those suffering from the cryptic virus should be something to celebrate, delving into an explanation about pricing for a possibly life-saving drug may cause some reader’s stomachs to churn. Gilead’s statement attempts to strike a delicate balance, focusing on the importance of the treatment while justifying its value. 

NYSE Chief’s Reopening Message as Bullish as the Market

May 26th, 2020 by

There’s no more iconic symbol of US business than the NY Stock Exchange (NYSE). Specifically, its floor. That floor reopened today. How its president Stacey Cunningham communicated it likely will serve as a template for other businesses.